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Commitments | Brands | Environment

Biotherm, Racing for Something Bigger

Beyond the thrill of competition, Biotherm has put sustainability at the heart of their racing program through an innovative research project developed with their partner Tara Ocean Foundation. Embedded onto the Biotherm vessel is an Imaging FlowCytobot that automatically takes images of phytoplankton and other marine biodiversity every time that the vessel is in the water. This data will help researchers who are studying the impact of climate change on the ocean have a better idea of how phytoplankton in under-studied areas are faring.
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Science & Technology

K-SCAN Kérastase

AI-powered, hair and scalp smart camera for hairdressers to care better with beauty tech
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Science & Technology

Giorgio Armani Meta Profiler

Imaging skin with 10 times the magnification of the human eye, the META PROFILERTM’ is a handheld device born from a high-performance laboratory technology which used more than 20 clinical studies measured at instrumental level.
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Science & Technology


Measuring and reducing CO2 emissions across our digital activities with the support from our partners
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Science & Technology

New Codes of Beauty: Creator Economy

A technological revolution is underway; GenAI promises to change marketing and the way we create. The L’Oréal Groupe aims to lead this revolution in the beauty industry.
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Science & Technology

Maybelline Virtual Makeup on Teams

Take your work meeting to the next level with the first ever makeup looks on Microsoft Teams. Consider this feature your “virtual makeup bag,” equipped with 12 makeup looks that effortlessly help you feel your best in your next meeting.
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Professor Anamaria Font For Women In Science 2023 Laureate

Professor Anamaría Font is recognised for her work in theoretical particle physics, with a particular focus on developing the theory of superstrings whose basic building blocks are really strings, like those of a guitar This describes, in a unified and consistent way, the elementary particles of nature, which are the ‘notes’ produced by the vibrating strings, as well as their fundamental interactions.
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Commitments | L'Oréal Group

Professor Aviv Regev-For Women In Science 2023 Laureate

Professor Aviv Regev is awarded for her pioneering work in single cell genomics (the study of individual cells). Her innovative experimental methods combine mathematics and computer science to enable scientists to discover and characterize the trillions of cells within the body. Importantly, this enhances our ability to decipher and target the mechanisms that cause disease, while developing better diagnostics and therapies.
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Professor Lidia Morawska-For Women In Science 2023 Laureate

Professor Lidia Morawska is awarded for her outstanding contribution to understanding and improving indoor and ambient air quality, and in particular, the impact of air pollution on human health and the environment.
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Professor Frances Kirwan FWIS

Professor Frances Kirwan is rewarded for her exceptional work in pure mathematics, with particular reference to her studies of the algebraic and topological properties of geometric objects.
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