How to measure and improve the environmental impact of formulas
L’Oréal has been conducting lifecycle assessments to measure the environmental impacts of its products for many years. It has identified that water, and in particular the water discharged when the consumer uses the product, as well the carbon emissions linked to the use of hot water during a shower to among its principal impacts on the environment.
L'Oréal Paris: a hair-styling mist that respects the environment
In 2018, L’Oréal Paris launched its Stylista Beach Wave Mist. The research behind this product has enabled the creation of an ultra-light mist texture combining two requirements: effectiveness and respect for the environment.
For more than 10 years, L’Oréal has been committed to an ambitious policy regarding sustainable development including an in-depth work on the usage of plastics.
Indonesia : improving production techniques to prevent deforestation
In 2018, L’Oréal collaborated with the NGO SNV (Netherland Development Organisation) to implement a sustainable sourcing project focusing on palm oil derivatives in the region of Berbak in Jambi, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.