Articles : Sharing Beauty With All

More about Sharing Beauty With All

L'Oréal Paris: a hair-styling mist that respects the environment

In 2018, L’Oréal Paris launched its Stylista Beach Wave Mist. The research behind this product has enabled the creation of an ultra-light mist texture combining two requirements: effectiveness and respect for the environment.

Plastic packaging policy

For more than 10 years, L’Oréal has been committed to an ambitious policy regarding sustainable development including an in-depth work on the usage of plastics.
Commitments | Environment

L’Oréal water policy

At L’Oréal, water, as an essential component in creating and using our products, is at the heart of our business.

Indonesia : improving production techniques to prevent deforestation

In 2018, L’Oréal collaborated with the NGO SNV (Netherland Development Organisation) to implement a sustainable sourcing project focusing on palm oil derivatives in the region of Berbak in Jambi, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

Biotherm : New solar protection that respects the aquatic environment

L'Oréal Group, read more about : Biotherm : New Solar Protection That Respects The Aquatic Environment

Stepping up the deployment of renewable energy

L'Oréal Group, read more about : Stepping Up The Deployment Of Renewable Energy

Settimo, a model of good environmental performance

Established in 1959, the Group’s Settimo plant in Italy specialises in producing make-up and hair care products.

For more sustainable packaging

Since 2007, L’Oréal has implemented a responsible packaging policy based on three pillars, known as the “three Rs”: Respect, Reduce and Replace. The Group uses a global, systematic eco-design process, ahead of product design, for the packaging of finished products and also for packaging used during transport.

Spain: Burgos, L’Oréal’s first “waterloop factory”

In addition to its renewable energy production installations, the Burgos plant in Spain established a wastewater recycling system in 2015.

An example of social and environmental product performance measured by SPOT

L'Oréal Group, read more about : An Example Of Social And Environmental Product Performance Measured By Spot