La Roche-Posay Spotscan+
"Spotscan+ is the only available free public tool, that is both user friendly & accurate to evaluate the severity of acne-prone skin"
Dr P.MARTEL - Dermatologist in Nice
Discover Spotscan
Today, acne is one of the biggest skin concerns worldwide, affecting 80% of teenagers and 40% of adults.
Based on AI revolution and developed with leading dermatologists, SPOTSCAN is a skin diagnostic tool for acne sufferers designed to amplify access to dermatology. Spotscan requires just 3 selfies to analyze and score imperfections, thanks to a bank of 6.000 photos of all ethnic skin types and based on a GEA (Global Acne Severity scale) scoring, recognized by dermatologists. Validated by a clinical study, it provides the most accurate imagery and analysis to recommend a personalized La Roche–Posay routine to acne sufferers. Validated by a clinical study, it provides the most accurate imagery and analysis to recommend a personalized La Roche–Posay routine to acne sufferers.
Targeting teenagers and young adults, Spotscan doesn’t replace an appointment with a dermatologist, but provides a vital first step in understanding their condition in a simple way. Spotscan is available online, through a QR code or the brand’s website on your smartphone.
How does it work?
- Start with a clean face (no make up, glasses, no hair on your face)
- Find good natural light
- Take three selfies: centre, left and right profile
- The app counts, localizes and categorizes your imperfections (spots, blackheads pigmented marks)
- Get your acne grade (Global Evaluation of Acne - GEA) from 0 to 5. From grade 4, you are advised to consult a dermatologist
- Get your personalized skincare routine: up to 4 recommended products
- Get expert tips about acne-prone skin

The technology behind
EFFACLAR SPOTSCAN is the result of multiple years of work, developing an artificial intelligence algorithm based on more than 6000 photos of all ethnicities with acne. This technology is able to evaluate the severity of acne, and in order to scientifically verify the accuracy of the algorithm, La Roche-Posay carried out a clinical study on 53 acne patients supervised by 3 dermatologists, followed by the scientific publication written in collaboration with scientific experts.
Privacy and data
EFFACLAR SPOTSCAN doesn’t storage any data, users’ pictures are immediately deleted from server after the analysis is done.