Culture & Heritage
More than 110 years of Beauty
Where we come from
The L’Oréal name has accompanied Eugène Schueller since his very first steps in the world of Beauty. His first hair coloring was called ‘L’Auréale’ – probably a reference to ‘l’Auréole,’ a fashionable hairstyle at the start of the 20th century. But it was also a reference to the gold and the warm tints that women wanted to give their hair with colorings. It has also been whispered that the L’Oréal name is derived from the Ancient Greek word ωραίος (oreos), which means ‘beauty.’
Passionate about advertising and slogans, which would become a hallmark of the company and would help to build its global reputation, Eugène Schueller decided to simplify the name of his product by playing on its sounds and syllables: L’Auréale soon became Oréal, and L’Oréal.
In 1939, L’Oréal became the official name of the company founded by Eugène Schueller. That same year, our company established its headquarters at 14, Rue Royale, Paris.
« A company is not walls and machines, it’s people, people, people »
Eugène SchuellerL’Oréal Founder