Peluncuran Divisi Cosmetic Active & Penunjukan General Manager ACD L'Oréal Indonesia
L'Oréal Indonesia meluncurkan Active Cosmetic Division (ACD) sebagai unit bisnis yang ke 4 dan menunjuk Silvia Yohana sebagai General Manager ACD Indonesia
Salons In Jakarta Are Ready To Operate On 15 June In Accordance To The Transition Period Towards A Safe, Healthy And Productive Community
L'Oréal Group Indonesia:For almost three months carrying out social distancing practices, the society has adapted to seek new routines which is limited by space and mobility, such as changing their hairstyles on their own. According to Google Trends search in April 2020, keywords like "cut our own hair", "open salons" and "in-home service salon" increased very rapidly, with more than 1,800 searches.
L’Oréal Announces The Creation Of Its Program L’Oréal For The Future
L'Oréal Group Indonesia:In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and to address its consequences, L’Oréal announces L’Oréal for the future, an unprecedented social and environmental solidarity programme The L’Oréal Group, which has historically been committed to supporting women, is still there for them today, because women are disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 crisis, particularly in terms of job and income loss. They make up a large majority of single-parent families, and are increasingly forced to turn to food banks to meet their most basic needs. At the same time, domestic and sexual violence has increased worldwide, including in France (+30%), particularly due to the effects of lockdown measures.