
Beauty Tech | Science & Technology

Dans Ma Peau: An illuminating journey into the heart of the skin.

Even as the biggest organ of the body, the skin is still rife with mysteries. Multiphoton imaging is one way to unlock these secrets.
Beauty Tech | Science & Technology

Discover the future of beauty with L'Oréal at Vivatech 2019

From the 16th to 18th May, Paris is set to be the centre of the tech world with over one hundred thousand people attending VivaTech. As a company that …
Beauty Tech | Science & Technology

Dans Ma Peau: Skin, a fabulous ecosystem.

Skin is an ecosystem in its own right. This resilient organ can adapt to its surrounding environment, maintaining our equilibrium and ensuring the pro …

How Duo Day helped us learn more about disabilities

Operation Duo Day is a day organized by the French government, which offers companies the chance to meet up with people with disabilities.
Commitments | Beauty Tech | L'Oréal Group

Tech For Good Summit: Jean-Paul Agon co-chaired the Tech For Good Diversity Session

This summit aims to show how disruptive technologies can have a positive impact on our society. This year, five workshops were on the agenda: Education; Diversity; the Future of Work; Economic Inclusiveness and the Environment. On May 15, L’Oréal’s Chairman and CEO Jean-Paul Agon co-chaired the session “Tech for Diversity” with Gillian Tans, CEO of Together they advocated for a tech that would promote an inclusive workplace.

Citizen Day celebrates its 10th anniversary and more than one million volunteer hours

In June 2019, L'Oréal celebrates the 10th anniversary of Citizen Day, a global social engagement volunteering day that the Group offers to all of its …
Beauty Tech | Science & Technology

Dans Ma Peau : When sun meets skin

Skin is the boundary that separates our interior from the harmful effects of the outside world, especially those of the sun.

Brandstorm 2019: L’Oréal offers an immersion at Station F

With more than 40 000 students from 65 countries and 10 000 innovations proposed, the 2019 edition of the Brandstorm competition hit the roof once aga …
Commitments | L'Oréal Group | Diversity

L'Oréal Supports a Unique Convention Against Harassment at Work

The International Labor Organization has adopted the convention on “the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work.”
L'Oréal Group

At the Cannes Lions, L’Oréal presents the successes of its digital transformation

E-commerce, artificial intelligence, videos and augmented reality: Lubomira Rochet, Chief Digital Officer of L’Oréal, took the stage at the Internatio …
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