Citizen Day celebrates its 10th anniversary and more than one million volunteer hours

In June 2019, L'Oréal celebrates the 10th anniversary of Citizen Day, a global social engagement volunteering day that the Group offers to all of its employees in more than 60 countries where it operates.

Every year for the past 10 years, L'Oréal employees have been dedicating an entire day of their work time to bringing their skills and energy to hundreds of social and environmental organisations. These solidarity actions namely include running well-being workshops for disadvantaged individuals, helping unemployed people with their resume, renovating homes for elderly or disadvantaged people, or collecting waste in nature.

“Citizen Day has become a major moment in the Group’s calendar.” said Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and CEO of L’Oréal. “I am happy and proud that this initiative, launched 10 years ago, illustrates with each year ever more L'Oréal’s willingness and that of its employees to engage concretely with local association and community networks.”

A leader in community volunteering for employees for 10 years, the Group continues to innovate

Created in 2010, this annual volunteering day has enabled employees from nearly 65 countries to offer more than one million cumulative volunteer hours to hundreds of non-profit organisations and their beneficiaries. Every year, nearly 30,000 volunteer employees take part in the various solidarity initiatives proposed during Citizen Day.

Since then, L'Oréal has continued to innovate in terms of employee social engagement and has developed the L'Oréal Citizen programme, which offers employees the opportunity to contribute to various causes in different ways: payroll giving, sponsorship of employees’ volunteering activity and, launched this year in France, skills-based sponsorship.
This new initiative allows employees to use their skillset for a mission from two to six days and meet the specific needs of a non-profit organisation.

“Contributing positively to society and supporting disadvantaged people is a source of pride for all the employees of our subsidiaries around the world. L'Oréal believes that it is its responsibility to provide employees with the means to take action and to provide a valuable contribution, because every action helps with regard to the current social and environmental needs.”

Alexandra Palt,
Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer of L’Oréal.

A pioneer in corporate solidarity, the L'Oréal Group launched a charter of reciprocal commitments for corporate solidarity actions (“Engagements réciproques des Journées de Solidarité en Entreprise”) last year, in partnership with the organisation Unis-Cité Solidarité Entreprises. This initiative aims to encourage companies to take part in volunteering actions and defines a reference framework for companies and beneficiary organisations wishing to engage in this type of commitment.

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