L’Oréal in the Top 10 “Most digital friendly employers” in the French Potentialpark Ranking
L'Oréal joins the Top 10 best employers in France in terms of digital communication in 2017, positioning itself in the 7th place of the Potential Park’s* ranking.
The Research company interviewed over 5600 young French graduates and students enrolled in business schools, engineers and universities about content on companies’ digital tools and contents (Career Website, Applying Online, Social Media…). A scorecard of more than 300 evaluated criteria.
The first positions of the ranking are still dominated by Carrefour and Deloitte, and the Top 10 includes, alongside with L’Oréal Mazars, the French Army, or Axa.
Beyond the revamping of the Career site, L'Oréal is particularly distinguished on social networks by taking the head of the category "Social Media" (# 1 this year vs. # 7 last year). "We are very pleased with this progress. It confirms that our commitment to authenticity, total transparency, sharing in real time on our social networks meets the needs of young people," says Jean-Claude Le Grand, Senior VP Talent Development and Chief Diversity Officer at L'Oréal.
The digital battle is more and more tough as all the companies are deploying ongoing efforts to seduce the new generations and invest, in particular, in social networks. Thus, more than half of companies communicate via at least 3 social media channels, starting with Facebook. A network so popular among companies and potential candidates that two-thirds of companies use it to talk about recruitment (+7 points compared to 2017) and 96% of students use it. Instagram is gradually gaining ground, with 67% of users among candidates. In this highly competitive environment, L'Oréal is among the Top 10 companies with the highest growth in the rankings.
The group's social media strategy towards potential candidates relies on content of employees who can share their experience directly on L'Oréal's Instagram account or during live Facebook events. "All in all, it's more engaging and everyone wins; this sincerity is a guarantee of good integration since candidates apply for the right reasons, with a real vision of what the company is ", continues Jean-Claude Le Grand.
The Potential Park ranking is also conducted worldwide since a total of 37,700 students and young graduates participated in the survey (including the 5600 French). Therefore, after the French ranking, the UK, German, Italy, USA and Asia ranking will be released before the worldwide ranking expected next March 20th.
*Potentialpark is a research company based in Stockholm, that evaluates the relevance and the efficiency of companies’digital communication strategy, tools and contents to candidates. It publishes each year rankings based on the interview of users.