Pulp Riot Hair
You are the artist. Hair is the canvas. Pulp Riot is the paint.
Visit pulpriothair.comPulp Riot burst onto the scene in 2016 with one goal – to disrupt the hairdressing industry by putting the power back into the hands of artists. Born in Los Angeles, CA, Pulp Riot’s bold, vibrant, and long-lasting colors are your go-to for accomplishing whatever looks your clients dream up.
Designed for artists to create stunning vivid colors without damaging the hair, Pulp Riot is the superior paint for modern techniques that last longer, stand out, and fade better. We exist to support the next generation of hair artists, disrupting the industry with our unique style of digital education and the most vibrant and supportive artist community.
Pulp Riot is unapologetically accepting of all beauty ideals, self-expressions and self-identities.
We show up in a big, bold way. To us, hair is the canvas, and our color formulas are the paint to make your hair vision come to life.
The reason we always say, “You are the artist. Pulp Riot is the paint,” is because our ultimate goal is to inspire pure creativity in every single artist our brand touches.
Milan Mladjenovic
Global President, Professional Products Division American Brands

We’ve solved the #1 pain point for any vivid hair artist – our NEW semi-permanent formula features Anti-Overworking Technology. Say goodbye to overworking and hello to longer-lasting color and unmatched conditioning.
This formula is the first of its kind, delivering unparalleled performance, allowing for easy application, and incredibly vibrant results that last. Over the next year, we’ll be converting our existing shades to the new formula base, completing the transition by the end of 2025.