L'Oréal Singapore news

Beauty Tech | Science & Technology | Technology

L’Oréal launches biggest Beauty Tech startup competition for the beauty sector across Asia and MENA to uncover marketing innovations for digital natives

To spur the next era of beauty, L’Oréal has launched the Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Program in the South Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa (SAPMENA) region, including Singapore. The biggest open innovation competition of this scale for the beauty sector, it offers promising startups the chance to develop their innovation in a commercial pilot and potential exposure to 35 markets of the SAPMENA region.
L'Oréal Group


L’Oréal Singapore Champions Youth-led initiative to transform plastic and glass waste

SINGAPORE — Mr Ibnur Rashad had been figuring out how to build a chinampa — also known as a "floating island", a Mexican farming technique that allows plants to grow in shallow waters — when an encounter with a woman carrying recycled water bottles gave him his eureka moment. The lady had asked him if there was a recycling bin around as she wanted to recycle the bottles. “That’s when I thought: Aha! Why not just make these islands float with recycled water bottles?” said Mr Ibnur, the founder of Ground-Up Innovation Labs for Development — a consultancy that helps companies find sustainable solutions.
L'Oréal Group

L'Oréal Singapore Celebrates for Women in Science Fellowship 2021

L'Oréal Singapore Celebrates for Women in Science Fellowship 2021
L'Oréal Group

The L’Oréal Innovation Runway : a new digital edition!

L’Oréal Innovation Runway 2020
L'Oréal Group

L'Oréal Singapore Celebrates for Women in Science Fellowship 2019

L'Oréal Singapore Celebrates for Women in Science Fellowship 2019

L'Oréal X Minds Sustainability Week Collaboration

L'Oréal X Minds Sustainability Week Collaboration
L'Oréal Group

L'Oréal Singapore Receives 3 R Award 2019 from The National Environment Agency

L'Oréal Singapore Receives 3 R Award 2019 from The National Environment Agency
L'Oréal Group

L'Oréal Receives 3 Industry Awards at Supply Chain Asia Gala Award Ceremony

L'Oréal Receives 3 Industry Awards at Supply Chain Asia Gala Award Ceremony
L'Oréal Group

L'Oréal Singapore Celebrates 10 Th Anniversary of For Women in Science National Fellowship Programme

L'Oréal Singapore Celebrates 10 Th Anniversary of For Women in Science National Fellowship Programme