For Beauty With No Animal Testing

At L’Oréal, we care for animal welfare and we do not test on animals. We are for beauty with no animal testing.

Since 1989, we have not tested the safety of our products on animals, 14 years before regulations required us to do so.

L’Oréal has been at the forefront of non-animal methods for over 30 years.

We believe that there are effective non-animal ways to ensure the safety of cosmetic products.  Over 40 years ago, L’Oréal pioneered the development of human reconstructed skin that can be used to evaluate how cosmetic ingredients and products behave on human skin. We currently manufacture different types of reconstructed human skin in our Episkin labs in France, China and Brazil – and we make this technology available to governments, organizations and other companies for testing purposes, so that they don’t have to test on animals.

In addition to our skin models, we have many non-animal predictive assessment tools, such as molecular modelling, expert toxicology systems, imaging techniques and many more. Our scientists continue to pioneer new non-animal methods and technologies, including artificial intelligence, in our labs across the world.

Milestones in non-animal safety testing

Milestones in non-animal safety testing
Find out more about the key dates in the development of non-animal methods.

We believe that scientific and regulatory advancement of non-animal methods is only possible through multidisciplinary cooperation.

L’Oréal’s engagements focus on scientific programs to develop new non-animal methods, international collaboration, and educational programs to further encourage their acceptance by authorities.

For decades L’Oréal has been actively working with animal protection organizations, academia, industry associations, and relevant authorities towards the continued development of non-animal testing methods. As a committed company, we have contributed to the validation of a dozen alternative tests to assess the safety of our products thanks to our scientific research and international collaborations.

For example, we are active member in many international scientific collaborations such as LRSS (Cosmetics Europe Long Range Science Strategy), EPAA (European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing), EU funded project RiskHunt3R (RISK assessment of chemicals integrating HUman centric Next generation Testing strategies promoting the 3Rs) and many more.

We continuously share our knowledge and expertise with the scientific community to widespread the use of non-animal methods to all stakeholders (Regulators, suppliers, NGOs and other companies). We offer trainings and webinars through Episkin Academy, AFSA (Animal-Free Safety Assessment) Collaboration. Finally, we participate actively in scientific congresses to present the latest advances and to prepare the next generation of scientists and regulators.

We are committed to developing new non-animal methods and safety evaluation tools that can be used by all worldwide.

We are for beauty with no animal testing.

Gladys Ouedraogo, Manager: Alternative Methods Development
I’ve been working at L’Oréal for 18 years, always in product safety. Since I was a little girl I’ve always enjoyed solving problems – I think that’s why I became a scientist, and have been so passionate about developing non-animal methods.
Valerie Michaut, Director: Alternative Methods & Reconstructed Skin
Rodrigo de Vecchi, CEO Episkin Brazil
Janice Ma, Manager: China Evaluation & Alternative Methods
Troy Seidle, Humane Society International
Valerie Michaut, Director: Alternative Methods & Reconstructed Skin
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