

L'Oréal : Blanca Juti

Blanca Juti
Beauty Tech | Science & Technology

LOreal x Emotiv Tan Le

Tan Le, CEO of EMOTIV, the leader in neurotechnology. Measuring people’s emotions today is different than it was 10 years ago.
Beauty Tech


Stephan Bezy, International General Manager at Yves Saint Laurent Beauté

L'Oréal Groupe : Inside the Quality Laboratory

We check all of our raw materials to make sure they correspond to the specifications provided by our laboratories and also to check that there are no particles or foreign bodies that could alter the quality of our products. We have begun to use more and more natural and organic raw materials. This requires even more quality supervision in terms of transport and storage to ensure that no alteration occurs.

L'Oréal Groupe : Discover how the Extraordinary Oil of L'Oréal Paris is made ?

Today, I am packaging this extraordinary oil. The different stages in the process are, first of all, filling the container with a bottle sorter, and the bottles are directed to the godets by a central cross. Then we have an unloader for glass bottles. The palettes are inserted into the machine and two robots intervene to put them in the godet before they are filled by the next machine.

L'Oréal Groupe : Discover how we care about quality on a Roll'on production line ?

We carry out a number of quality control checks. The first one is to check that the right amount of product is in the container for the customer. The second to test that the cap unscrews easily enough without having to use too much force. The third is to make sure the container is sealed so we place the products in a vacuum box to check that they are well sealed. For example, if you take the plane, you can be sure your product is sealed, when you get to your destination.

L'Oréal Groupe : The role of a maintenance engineer inside the factory

The objective of maintenance is to keep the activity of the technical teams running smoothly and to improve our productivity. For example, we have started use the “Mobility Work” application. The factory technicians all have smartphones and when they carry out maintenance on a machine, they flash a QR code.

L'Oréal Groupe : Behind the scenes of Garnier Mineral deodorant production

An aerosol is an aluminium container that we fill with a formula. Next, we add the valve that is then crimped. Then, we inject gas through here. The container will then be placed in a bath at 52°C to ensure it is fully sealed in the interests of customer safety. Then when it comes out, we put on the cap.
L'Oréal Group

L'Oréal Groupe: L'Oréal x Verily Partnership Myriam Cohen Welgryn

L'Oréal Group

L'Oreal groupe : Barbara Lavernos and Guive Balooch

Barbara Lavernos and Guive Balooch
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