hero social innovation

We Believe in Social Innovations for Our Employees

We ensure that all our employees around the world have access to the best social protection, healthcare coverage and well-being at work.

Share & Care: how you take care of your employees is what makes a company great 

The word around us is changing, and we recognize that employees are looking for more agility and  flexibility. That’s why our Share & Care program is evolving to help meet their needs.

The arrival of a child is special to every family. This is why L’Oréal now offers a paternity/ co-parent leave of 6 weeks.

A decent wage is available to every L'Oréal employee in every country (Living Wage Employer-certified by the Fair Wage Network, 2022).

In addition to the prevention’s actions and the financial and psychological support that L’Oréal provides to their employees with cancer, Share & Care introduces new benefits for those who have been diagnosed with cancer such as financial, psychological and practical support during treatment and upon returning to work.

Share & Care has also expanded support for victims of domestic violence, offering resources and support at the moment of need, and by committing to a safe working environment.


Personal ecology, how L’Oréal cares for their employees


Share & Care program recognizes the relevance of social innovation at L’Oréal, based on principles in line with current issues:


Providing social protection to our employees

Considering social protection whether in the form of insurance, social benefits, or financial support in the event of unexpected life events, providing employees with a sense of security for themselves and their families.



Optimizing the level of well-being of our employees

Going beyond physical health. Because being healthy is not only a question of physical health, but also of mental health. We have introduced the "Personal Ecology" approach, where, in a proactive way, each employee can optimize their level of well-being.



More flexibility to meet with new ways of working

The issue of work/life balance and all the resulting aspirations linked to the new vision of the working world, its new models (teleworking, flextime), parenthood, etc. Therefore, extending flexibility in working organization and considering new ways of working to answer the collective need of working differently, in a more agile and flexible way.



Improving the working experience through better workspaces

The importance of work environments that must continue to reinvent themselves to offer an inclusive framework in line with new ways of working (dynamic layout of spaces according to the type of activity: collaboration, creativity, agility, and efficiency). Elevate our Workspaces to the highest level to offer every employee a fulfilling work experience in the office.



Organize Personal Ecology workshop during Recharge Day for employees’ optimizing their well-being from different perspectives to achieve best performance.

SAFor woman's month in August, we choose to support our female employees through uplifting, inspiring workshops and educational talk. The objective is to address and support our employees facing health challenges as a result of menopause. Other topics such as PMS, infertility and overall woman's health & nutrition are also covered.

Every form of Parenthood is special and we are proud to launch the ‘Future Forward Parents’ Policy, which embraces all forms of parenthood. It isn't just a policy; but a testimony of L’Oréal India's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on our employees' lives, enabling them to thrive both professionally and personally..

Hosted 60 hours of onsite events in support of emotional and financial wellbeing; bringing EAP and investment advisors to Operations sites for face-to-face connection with employees with a focus on accessing mental health care and increasing financial security.

Cancer awareness week: Caravans are available for ultrasound scans and blood tests for man and women. Onsite medical checkups are also organized and available for all employees. 


ReComeçar Program (“Start again”). Workshops, communication material and a hot line to support our employees facing domestic violence, focusing in three pillars: Educational, Finance and Emotional. 


100% reimbursement of mental health practitioners at all levels of health care coverage, removing the financial barrier to accessing this essential support.


During the cancer month, we dedicate a day for men and woman cancer prevention. It consists on workshops & conferences. The topics covered are: nutrition, physical activity, beauty treatment, hairdressing, self-palpation. Event supported by Men expert & Laroche Posay

Focus On How we act for care

Taking care is more than an objective: it is a daily commitment to our teams and our communities. A commitment that is multiplied by the initiatives of our brands to give the words "taking care" their full meaning.

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