L'Oréal Takes Part: Our Response To Covid-19
Our actions on the field
Our Group has implemented a European solidarity programme to support the fight against coronavirus by all stakeholders. Hospitals, care homes and pharmacies who are at the front-line in striving to curb the propagation of coronavirus; food distribution stakeholders, who guarantee the essential needs of consumers; hair salons, perfume stores and suppliers of VSE/SMEs, who are particularly exposed to the economic crisis resulting from this epidemic; and lastly partner non-profit organisations who are committed to combating insecurity, who are in need of support now more than ever.
We have implemented the following measures with immediate effect:
Solidarity with healthcare and pharmacy staff:
La Roche-Posay will equip all partner hospitals, care homes and main partner pharmacies in Europe with hand sanitiser. These establishments are our first line of defence against coronavirus and are committed to protecting us and curbing the epidemic every day. The brand is already supplying bottles free of-charge to French pharmacies that are able to produce hand sanitiser in their own dispensaries.
Solidarity with food distribution stakeholders:
Garnier will supply and distribute several million units of hand sanitiser free-of-charge to all its European food distribution customers so that their employees, who are continuing to work to meet consumers’ basic needs, can protect themselves by following the recommended precautions.

Solidarity with VSE/SMEs in our distribution networks (hair salons, small perfume shops):
The Group has frozen payments receivable for more than 100,000 clients until their businesses resume.
Solidarity with our most exposed suppliers:
For our suppliers who have been most exposed to the crisis, we shorten its the leadtime for payments with systematic immediate payments for close to 9,000 suppliers.

L’Oréal for the future : supporting field organizations and local charities
Our Group, which has historically been committed to supporting women, is still there for them today, because women are disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 crisis, particularly in terms of job and income loss. To directly help struggling women, L’Oréal is creating a €50 million charitable endowment fund (part of a larger 150 million program) to support field organizations and local charities in their efforts to fight poverty, help women achieve social and professional integration, provide emergency assistance to refugee and disabled women, prevent violence against women, and support victims.
Solidarity with the most needy:
The L’Oréal Foundation has decided to donate one million euros to its partner non-profit organizations, who are committed to combatting insecurity. This will help the most needy to follow the recommended precautions, combat the coronavirus and withstand the consequences of this epidemic. These non-profit organizations supported throughout the year by the L’Oréal Foundation will also be offered hygiene kits (shower gel and shampoo) and hand sanitizer for social workers, volunteers and beneficiaries.
L’Oréal employees have also taken part by giving more than 1,200 hours of their time to L’Oréal citizenship programmes.
Solidarity with our employees:
In this period of crisis which particularly affects France, our Group is keen to play its full role as a solidarity employer and corporate citizen. All of the jobs are maintened and L’Oréal didn’t use short-time working in France until the end of June despite the partial or total cessation of activity of several categories of staff in many areas (sales force and store leadership, decreases orders that impact factories and shipping centers, etc.). The Group is more committed, since the introduction of containment, to pay 100% of their fixed compensation to all of its employees in France - 13,400 people, of whom more than 3,000 are currently out of business.
And in the context of a health crisis, L’Oréal has been mobilised to ensure their safety and safety worldwide. While the situation is currently evolving in many countries entering a phase of de-confinement, the Group has taken new measures focused on prevention, social distancing and the application of protective measures to manage and secure the return of its employees to its various sites as safely as possible. In order to ensure that all Group employees are aware of these new measures before they return to their workplace, L'Oréal has developed a dedicated e-learning programme, #safetogether, created in-house and in record time. The objective? To help all employees understand and adopt the new measures that will protect them and their colleagues on a daily basis. In order to enable as many people as possible to benefit from this e-learning, L'Oréal has made a version of this module available for the general public via CrossKnowledge, one of the world leaders in digital learning (https://together.na.crossknowledge.com/). CrossKnowledge's 500 client companies will also benefit from this content. Together we will keep each other safe.