
The L’Oréal Fund for Women

Women worldwide are still disproportionately affected by social and economic crises generated by today’s global challenges. 


Credits: Women on Wings 2023

Since the launching of the Fund in 2020, more than 530 frontline non-profit organizations were supported, which have directly helped more than 4 800 000  women and girls.

After 3 initial years of operation (2020-2023), the Fund for Women has been renewed for three additional years (2023-2026) with a budget of €30 million, to keep pursuing our ambition to address the social challenges of our world. 

Apply to the L'Oréal Fund for Women



Credits : Strong Minds, 2023

Why we are supporting women

In 2024, 24.3 million more women than men will be living in extreme poverty. According to projections, at this rate, eradicating extreme poverty among women could take another 137 years (UN Women, 2024).

Around the world, almost one woman in three - some 736 million - has been the victim of physical and/or sexual violence at least once. This alarming figure, which does not include sexual harassment, underlines the scale of violence against women and girls worldwide (UN Women, 2024).
Yet only 4% of bilateral international aid programs are primarily aimed at supporting women (OECD, 2022). We need to support women to build a sustainable, fair and inclusive future.


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Women at risk when facing armed conflicts


Over the past three years, the war in Ukraine has forced more than 6.1 million people to flee their homes: it's the biggest population displacement crisis since the Second World War (UNHCR, 2024). Of these, 63% are considered to be women and children (UNHCR, 2024).

During armed conflicts, women are very often exposed to torture and sexual abuse. 257 million women live in countries where conflicts exacerbate sexual violence (Care, 2024).
The L'Oréal Fund for Women supports a number of local and international NGOs, including the Red Cross, SINGA, and UN organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and UNICEF, which work in Ukraine and neighboring countries to meet emergency needs (shelter, psychological and legal support, health care, support following sexual violence, combating trafficking, access to education and employment, etc.).

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